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  7. Thread milling cutter usage...

Thread milling cutter usage problems and countermeasures

Question Solution
Internal thread is too large or too small The interpolation radius for thread milling in the CNC program is incorrect. The path for thread milling is incorrect. Enter the correct milling radius and adjust until the thread size is acceptable
The thread is not round Feed rate too high Reduce feed rate
Using simultaneous milling Change milling direction
The thread surface does not meet the requirements and has burrs Cutting speed too high Adjust cutting speed
The tool or workpiece is not clamped securely Check the reliability of tool or workpiece clamping
broken knife CNC program error Check CNC program
Cutting feed too high Adjust cutting feed
Insufficient tool life Cutting feed too high Adjust cutting feed
Tools are not coated Use coated tools
Poor lubrication and poor chip removal Improve lubrication performance by adopting axial internal cooling method

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